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About Us
Feel free to get in touch with us via phone or send us a message.
GG Truck offers casual gaming events and e-sports tournaments that captivate gamers and enthusiasts alike. Live streaming and live broadcasts of the activities are also available.
Reliable internet with our specialized GG Truck wifi equipment and configuration together with our designated ISP partner are included in all packages for the whole duration of the event.
Our equipment has a sizable high gain antenna that can connect to cell towers in extremely rural locations, giving us the ability to provide last mile internet access where nothing else is available. It enables carrier aggregation and allows the device to use multiple bands at the same time. It provides better responsiveness in a crowded environment and higher efficiency for weaker signal situations in the countryside.
Yes. GG Truck broadcast services are specially handled by our broadcast engineers. The Legend Package includes live streaming of the gaming activity. The Mythic Package can provide a live broadcast of an entire event.
GG Truck has 100+ exclusive games for casual gamers of all ages and has a roster of licensed popular games to provide maximum entertainment for all participants.
We are committed to making GG Truck a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. It is important for us to work together with the LGUs to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as possible.
In addition, our GG Truck staff follows the strictest protocols of Covid-19 safety and prevention. This includes swab testing of our events team; sanitation of our trucks, equipment, and event fixtures; as well as use of standard protective equipment, temperature screening, and physical distancing during all events.
Please leave your name and contact details here and we shall get in touch with you shortly.
We offer as much as 30% discount for monthly bookings, with a minimum of 24 booked events within a month.
We would be happy to discuss your special requirements. Just give us a call or leave your contact details here.
Please download the Letter of Intent and email it to us at [email protected]; and we shall get in touch with you within 48 hours.